Vertimill for Lime slaking
The Vertimill® is an excellent lime slaker, producing finely ground, homogeneous, slow-settling, highly reactive slaked lime in a simple one-step operation.
Metso designs and manufactures Vertimill®, ball mills, and SRR mills for limestone grinding and lime slaking applications.
Our lime slaking systems are designed to grind the grit as part of the slurry. This total grinding process utilizes all residual reaction value, eliminates any grit disposal problems and decreases lime usage.
Superior lime slaker
Ultra fine, highly reactive product
No grit removal required
Simple one-step operation
Large capacity
High retention time
Minimal maintenance cost
Looking for VERTIMILL® lime slaker integration?
Our partner STT Enviro Corp Systems & Solutions has the right design for you.
STT Systems & Solutions’ unparalleled experience at integrating the VERTIMILL® lime slaker into systems makes them the recommended partner for the job.,mill