vertical shaft impactor vsi crusher price and maintenance checklist
vertical shaft impactor vsi crusher price and maintenance checklist
The vertical shaft impactor (VSI) crusher is a popular and effective way to crush rocks and other materials for a variety of applications. However, as with any type of machinery, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to get the most out of your VSI crusher. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for getting the best performance from your VSI crusher, as well as provide a maintenance checklist to keep it running smoothly.
What is a VSI Crusher?
A VSI crusher, or vertical shaft impactor, is a type of crushing machine that uses velocity and impact to reduce the size of rocks and minerals in aggregates production. In other words, VSI crushers use a high-speed rotor and anvils to hurl materials at each other and break them apart.
There are three main types of VSI crushers:
1) autogenous (rock-on-rock) vsi crushers: these use a high-speed rotor and anvils on the outer edge of the rotor to hurl rocks against each other and break them apart. The advantage of this design is that it fractures material along natural stress lines, which reduces wear.
2) semi-autogenous (rock-on-anvil) vsi crushers: these use a high-speed rotor with an anvil ring on the outside to hurl rocks against each other and break them apart. The advantage of this design is that it uses half as much energy as autogenous crushers while still breaking material along natural stress lines.
3) Cascading (rock-on-rock) vsi crushers: these use a high speed rotor with an anvil ring on the inside to hurl rocks against each other in a cascading motion. The advantage of this design is that it can handle larger feed sizes than autogenous or semi-autogenous crushers while still reducing wear.
How Does a VSI Crusher Work?
When it comes to vertical shaft impactors (VSIs), there are two types: autogenous and Forced. Both types utilize high speed rotation to fling material against other elements within the crusher. The difference lies in how the material is fed into the VSI.
Autogenous VSIs use a central feeding tube that distributes material evenly around the rotor. This type of VSI doesn’t require an external lubrication system because material isn’t being pumped through external tubes. However, autogenous VSIs can be more expensive because they’re usually used on harder materials.
Forced VSIs have an external pump that pressurizes material and forces it through tubes into the rotor. This type of VSI requires an external lubrication system to keep everything running smoothly. But, forced VSIs tend to be less expensive in the long run because they’re less likely to break down from wear and tear.
The Different Types of VSI Crushers
There are three main types of VSI crushers:
1. The “standard” type, which is the oldest and most common type, is driven by a belt and pulley system.
2. The “high speed” type uses high-speed rotating impellers to hurl the material against a anvil or breaker plate, resulting in even more force being applied to the material.
3. The “suspended rotor” type has a similar setup to the standard type, but with the addition of a pendulum that Suspends the rotor from its bearings, allowing it to swing freely. This design increases both the power and flexibility of the crusher.
How much does a VSI Crusher cost?
The Vertical Shaft Impactor (VSI) crusher is a common machine used in many industries. The cost of a VSI crusher can vary greatly depending on the size and features of the machine. Below is a list of some of the factors that can influence the price of a VSI crusher:
-Size: The larger the VSI crusher, the more it will cost.
-Features: Some VSI crushers come with additional features that can increase the cost. For example, some models may include a feed bin or hopper, while others may have an integrated dust collector.
-Brand: The brand of the VSI crusher can also affect its price. Some brands are more expensive than others due to their reputation or quality.
What are the maintenance costs of a VSI Crusher?
The maintenance cost of a VSI crusher depends on several factors:
1. The type of VSI crusher: There are several types of VSI crushers on the market, and each has its own unique maintenance requirements.
2. The age of the VSI crusher: A newer VSI crusher will generally require less maintenance than an older model.
3. The frequency of use: A VSI crusher that is used more frequently will require more frequent maintenance than one that is used less often.
4. The severity of use: A VSI crusher that is used for more severe applications will require more frequent and/or more extensive maintenance than one that is used for lighter applications.
5. The environment in which the VSI crusher is operated: A VSI crusher that is operated in a dusty environment will require more frequent cleaning and servicing than one that is operated in a clean environment.
Tips for Maintaining Your VSI Crusher
Assuming you have a VSI Crusher and you would like to maintain it in good working order, here are some tips to help you:
-Check the oil level in the crusher regularly. The oil should be at or just below the “full” line on the dipstick. If it is lower than this, add more oil until it reaches the full line.
-Check the wear on the impeller shoes and anvils regularly. If they are excessively worn, they will need to be replaced.
-Inspect the drive belt regularly for signs of wear or damage. If necessary, replace the drive belt.
– greasing the crusher regularly. This will help to prolong the life of the bearings.
Maintenance Checklist for VSI Crushers
1. Check the oil level in the VSI crusher daily.
2. If necessary, top up the oil level in the VSI crusher.
3. Check for leaks around the VSI crusher.
4. If necessary, tighten any bolts or nuts that may be loose.
5. Check the belts on the VSI crusher monthly.
6. If necessary, adjust the tension on the belts.
7. Check the bearings on the VSI crusher monthly.
8. If necessary, grease the bearings on the VSI crusher monthly
We hope that this article on the vertical shaft impactor vsi crusher price and maintenance checklist has been helpful. Remember to keep these tips in mind when you are choosing a new crusher for your business. With the right amount of research, you should be able to find a great model that will help increase your bottom line while also providing you with quality products.