How to abatement of pollution in stone crusher line industry


Pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues facing the world today. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is estimated that around 1.3 billion people suffer from some form of air pollution, and about 3.5 million die each year as a direct result.

In order to combat these issues, businesses throughout the world are working to find ways to reduce or even eliminate pollution from their operations. One such way is through the use of stone crushers and other related equipment.

What is stone production line?

Stone production line is a factory that makes stone products. It includes a variety of machines that use water, air, or oil to crush the rocks into smaller pieces. This process can release harmful chemicals and debris into the air.

What equipments is used in the stone production line?

Stone production line include crusher, conveyor belt, screen, and so on. The equipment used in the stone production line is mainly depended on the size of the stone. Some common equipments are as below:

1. Crusher: Mainly used to reduce the size of the stone. It can be divided into jaw crusher, cone crusher, impact crusher, and so on.

2. Conveyor belt: Used to move the crushed stone from one place to another. It can be divided into belt conveyor, chain conveyor, screw conveyor, and so on.

3. Screen: Used to remove large pieces of stones from the crushedstone. It can be divided into five types according to their fineness of mesh- small mesh screen, medium mesh screen, large mesh screen, ultrafine mesh screen, and fine mesh screen.

4. Heater: Used to raise the temperature of the stone before it is sent to other equipments in the production line.

What is the pollution of stone production line?

Pollution in the production of stone has a long history. The ancient Greeks and Romans used volcanic eruptions as a natural way to create marble and other types of stones. In more modern times, pollution from the manufacturing process has become a major problem.

The pollution that can be found in stone production lines comes from many sources:

• Materials used in the production process
• Power plants that generate electricity for the factory
• Transportation systems that bring materials to and from the factory
• Industry-wide practices that release pollutants into the environment

Each source of pollution has its own unique effects on the environment and human health. Pollution from manufacturing can have serious consequences for both natural resources and human health.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when dealing with pollution in stone production:

1. Pollution from manufacturing can have negative effects on both the environment and human health. When pollutants are released into the air, they can cause environmental damage, including acid rain and toxic runoff. These pollutants can also harm people’s health by damaging their respiratory systems or contributing to climate change.

2. There are many ways toreduce pollution from stone production. Finding ways to reduce the amount of materials used in the manufacturing process is one important step. Also, making sure that power plants and transportation systems are properly regulated can help to reduce pollution levels.

3. Pollution from manufacturing can be a challenge to address, but it is important to take action. concerted efforts by industry, government, and citizens can make a big difference.

How to abatement of pollution in stone crusher line?

In the stone crusher line industry, the production of stones is often followed by the emission of pollutants, including dust, gas, and black slag. The impact of these pollutants on human health and environment is significant. In order to improve the environmental protection in this field, it is necessary to understand how to abate pollution from the stone crusher line industry.

First of all, it is important to identify the sources of pollutants. Polluting factors such as dust and gas can be generated from a variety of sources such as grindingstones, coal fired plants, and blast furnaces. Black slag is also a pollutant that can be produced during the production of steel. It contains heavy metals and other toxic substances that can cause environmental harm.

To reduce pollutant emissions, it is necessary to identify and correct the source of pollution. For dust and gas emissions, effective measures include installing filters and scrubbers on exhaust systems. For black slag production, reducing the amount of metals used in manufacturing process can be effective.

Additionally, it is important to educate employees about proper environmental practices. By implementing appropriate safety measures, employees can minimize potential injuries from accidents or interactions with pollutants. Inaddition, proper training can help employees recognize when they are violating environmental regulations.


Pollution in stone crusher line industry is a huge problem that needs to be addressed. A recent study found that up to 70% of heavy metals and other pollutants can be eliminated from the air when crushing stones. By following these simple tips, you can help reduce pollution in your stone crusher line industry:

1) Use certified materials when possible. Certified materials are made from recycled or environmentally friendly resources, which reduces the amount of waste produced.
2) Equip your plant with the right equipment. Equipment such as dust collectors and scrubbers can greatly reduce the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere.
3) Promote energy efficiency throughout your production process. Whenever possible, switch to more efficient methods such as using electric machines instead of gas-powered ones.

How to abatement of pollution in stone crusher line industry Introduction Pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues facing the world today. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is estimated that around 1.3 billion people suffer from some form of air pollution, and about 3.5...