“KINGSON” Double Toggle Grease Lubricated Jaw Crusher is primary equipment for production without large generation of fines. The product has cubical shape and low fines. Due to its principle of crushing without rubbing, the size distribution of product is well defined.

1. Double toggle provides maximum leverage to long stroke eccentric.
2. Wide entry ensures easy feeding to crushing chamber.
3. Cast steel swing jaw is balanced to avoid power losses through lifting on crushing stroke.
4. Strong steel machine body and other parts are made from good quality material.

https://miningpedia.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/kingson-double-toggle-grease-lubricated-jaw-crusher.jpghttps://miningpedia.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/kingson-double-toggle-grease-lubricated-jaw-crusher-150x150.jpgpediaKINGSONjaw crusher,KINGSON
'KINGSON' Double Toggle Grease Lubricated Jaw Crusher is primary equipment for production without large generation of fines. The product has cubical shape and low fines. Due to its principle of crushing without rubbing, the size distribution of product is well defined. Features 1. Double toggle provides maximum leverage to long stroke...