Vertimill for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD)
The Metso Vertmill® is our latest technology for FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) grinding applications.
Metso designs and manufactures both ball mills and Vertimill® for limestone grinding and lime slaking to produce reagents for FGD reagent preparation systems.
Metso combines the experience and expertise of Kennedy Van Saun (KVS) and MPSIto become the world’s leading supplier of grinding systems for FGD reagent preparation systems and applications.
The Vertimill® is an energy efficient alternative for your reagent preparation. This mill can save up to 40% on your energy costs, has lower installation and operating costs and operates at a reduced noise level. Reagents tend to agglomerate during storage, reducing reactivity. The best policy for reagents is supply-on-demand.
The Vertimill® has a high turndown ratio, making it ideal for supply-on-demand systems. Upgrade existing limestone reagent preparation systems by adding a Vertimill® to accept ball mill discharge and produce a finer, more reactive reagent.
We care about the environment
Worldwide awareness of environmental issues mandates regulatory measures which establish strict ambient air quality standards to control emission levels. For decades, many countries have been devastated by uncontrolled emissions of pollutants.
The ecological balance has been damaged to the point that stringent steps must be taken to control pollutant emissions. As a result, various national and regional agreements have reduced acceptable pollutant emission levels. Highly industrialized countries with densely populated regions suffering from high levels of pollution have established the most rigid emission standards.
While the ambient air quality standards apply to all types of industries, power utilities that utilize high sulfur coals face the most stringent controls and greatest impact. Specific standards for power plants vary. New power plants are subject to more stringent standards than power plants that are currently in operation.
Metso has been recognized as a leader for the depth and quality of climate change data it has disclosed to investors and the global marketplace through CDP, the international NGO that drives sustainable economies. Metso’s status is awarded with a position on the Nordic Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), released in the CDP Nordic 2014 report – Natural capital disclosure for business resilience.,mill